
Kuras of Belgaum/Kohlapur 30BC - Part 2  


Lead Half Karshapana of Kuras of Belgaum/Kohlapur 30BC - 65AD RARE

Ruler : King Vasithiputra
Year : 30 BC - 65 AD
Units : Pb (lead) Karshapana, 20mm 3.4gm
Obverse : Bow & Arrow, legend in Brahmi: Siri Vasisthiputrasa
Reverse : Tree in railing on right; Multi arched hill on left

The south west region was ruled by the Kuras during the 1st century AD and they were the major power. Brahmapuri and Madhavapur (Kolhapur and Belgaum) were the two major seats. Some of the military achievements over Chutus show the influence of Chutus in their coinage. They mainly ruled between 30 BC and 65 AD as could be understood by the victory of Nahapana over Kuras. The King Vilivayukura is even quoted in Ptolemy's work and seems to be the last king who was defeated by the Satavahanas giving way for Chutus to circulate their coins in this area. All the coins minted by the Kuras were in lead. The bow and arrow decorated the coin obverse and the reverse of their coinage usually carried Chaitya, railed tree and river symbols along with the Brahmi legend along the periphery.

Lead Half Karshapana of Kuras of Belgaum/Kohlapur 30BC - 65AD, Overstruck, Lion facing right RARE

Year : 30 BC - 65 AD
Unit : Pb (lead) Karshapana, 20mm 5.3gm
Obverse : Overstruck, Lion facing right, legend in Brahmi
Reverse : Tree in railing on right;

Reference: Unpublished

The south west region was ruled by the Kuras during the 1st century AD and they were the major power. Brahmapuri and Madhavapur (Kolhapur and Belgaum) were the two major seats. Some of the military achievements over Chutus shows the influence of Chutus in their coinage. They mainly ruled between 30 BC and 65 AD as could be understood by the victory of Nahapana over Kuras. The King Vilivayukura is even quoted in Ptolemy's work and seems to be the last king who was defeated by the Satavahanas giving way for Chutus to circulate their coins in this area. All the coins minted by the Kuras were in lead. The bow and arrow decorated the coin obverse and the reverse of their coinage usually carried Chaitya, railed tree and river symbols along with the Brahmi legend along the periphery.

Lead Karshapana of Kuras of Belgaum/Kohlapur 30BC - 65AD RARE
Ruler : King Vasithiputra
Year : 30 BC - 65 AD
Unit : Pb (lead) Karshapana,30mm 18.4gm
Obverse : Bow & Arrow, legend in Brahmi:Siri Vasisthiputrasa
Reverse : Tree in railing on right; Multi arched hill on left
Reference : TA#014, RRR

The south west region was ruled by the Kuras during the 1st century AD and they were the major power. Brahmapuri and Madhavapur (Kolhapur and Belgaum) were the two major seats. Some of the military achievements over Chutus shows the influence of Chutus in their coinage. They mainly ruled between 30 BC and 65 AD as could be understood by the victory of Nahapana over Kuras. The King Vilivayukura is even quoted in Ptolemy's work and seems to be the last king who was defeated by the Satavahanas giving way for Chutus to circulate their coins in this area. All the coins minted by the Kuras were in lead. The bow and arrow decorated the coin obverse and the reverse of their coinage usually carried Chaitya, railed tree and river symbols along with the Brahmi legend along the periphery.

This entry was posted on February 24, 2010 at Wednesday, February 24, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Learning is an ever-evolving process. Each and every instance shapes our life in one way or the other. Swami established schools with the divine motive of enhancing the learning of students in terms of mutual respect and cooperation.

Learning is an ever-evolving process. Each and every instance shapes our life in one way or the other. Swami established schools with the divine motive of enhancing the learning of students in terms of mutual respect and cooperation.

madhusudan naidu

madhusudan naidu muddenahalli

November 25, 2018 at 11:21 AM

Education is a basic necessity of life. And rural children need to have a taste of education to uplift their life and the rural sector.

madhusudan naidu

madhusudan naidu muddenahalli

November 25, 2018 at 11:39 AM

Education should be aimed at moulding students on the lines of human values such as love, peace, righteousness and non-violence.
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli

November 25, 2018 at 11:43 AM

An empty stomach paves no way of learning new things in life. And it is in schools that children learn the in and outs of life apart from the academic syllabus.
madhusudan naidu

madhusudan naidu muddenahalli

November 25, 2018 at 11:49 AM

Healthcare system is often criticised for it being "efficiently" accessible only to an elite group of people.
madhusudan naidu

madhusudan naidu muddenahalli

November 25, 2018 at 11:56 AM

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