
Blog crossed over 10000 mark of Visitors . . . .  


The Blog was viewed more then 10000 Times by our readers, since 15th Dec 2007. Your kind co-operation was really necessary for making my blog a big success.

The procedure to Save the Two 11th Century Jain Temple namely, Kamal Basadi and Chikki Basadi or Ratta Basadi of Belgaum is still on and as I get more inputs, I will keep updating you all through this Blog. So keep visiting for more updates and keep writing Comments.




One more great news is Google Maps has updated my comments of changing the icon of the Jain temples from a normal temple icon to a Jain hand symbol as shown below. A heart-full thanks to Google from all Jain community.

Ahimsa Hand:

The religious Ahisma hand symbol with a wheel on the palm symbolizes the Jain Vow of Ahimsa, meaning non-violence. The word in the middle is "Ahimsa." The wheel represents the dharmacakra, to halt the cycle of reincarnation through the pursuit of truth.

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